
Joshua Armstrong P6 and Sam Millar P3 were both winners in the recent Child Safety on Farms Competition. They designed a poster for the 2022 Farm safety calendar and are pictured receiving their prize £30 voucher from Mrs Read this morning. Congratulations boys! We look forward to seeing their entries in the 2022 Calendar 

Unison competition Cal Fallis P2

recently designed a winning poster.

He won a £500 voucher for himself AND an amazing £1000 for the school to spend on educational resources!

Well done and thank you Cal! 

UFU Competition

The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU), in partnership with Bank of Ireland Virtual Farm Weekend (BOIVFW) and Asda, are delighted to announce the winners of the 2021 “Dig in! to 10 years of Open Farm Weekend” schools competition.

The competition, kindly sponsored by Asda, was open to all playgroups, nursery, primary, and special schools in Northern Ireland (NI), and pupils were asked to put their creative skills to the test. The theme related to the UFU and Agri-Aware’s food and farming education resource “Dig In!” which encourages pupils to learn more about food, farming, and the countryside.

UFU deputy president, David Brown said, “A huge congratulations to all of the winners and a big thank you to everyone who entered. We received over 7,000 fantastic competition entries this year, the largest volume of entries recorded to date, making it an extremely difficult task to judge. Every year we are impressed by the standard and creativity of entries and this year was no different. From digital news report entries highlighting ‘what farming means to me’, to brilliant posters with materials such as grass, glitter, googly eyes and feathers being used to help Open Farm Weekend celebrate its tenth anniversary. The effort and time that pupils, teachers, parents and guardians put into the competition was evident as all of the entries were of the highest standard.

Kyle Johnston in Year 4

received a worthy Runners Up Prize For his Key Stage 1 entry and school received an apple tree!