Term 2

This term our new topic is 'Rainforests'. We have been researching rainforests around the world, rainforest animals and even created our own Rainforest Diorama!

As part of our new topic on rainforests, we have been reading 'Journey to the River Sea' which is about an orphan girl who goes to live with distant relatives in the Amazon rainforest. We designed a new front cover for the book. Have a look at our display board!

World Book Day 2022

Year 7 have really enjoyed taking part in World Book Day

dressing up as their favourite book character.

Have a look and see if you can guess our characters!


Welcome to Year 7 Class Page!

Year 7 had a fantastic soccer 'taster' session with the IFA. We practised our dribbling skills, passing and control of the ball. Well done Year 7!

Our WAU topic for this term is:


We are really enjoying learning about the Victorian Era and what life was like for children growing up during those times. It has been interesting to compare education, toys, jobs and inventions from then to now.

Our class novel is Street Child, by Berlie Doherty. We are really enjoying this book and it links in really well with our WAU topic on Victorians. 

 We studied the life and works of the author Berlie Doherty and then chose our own favourite author to safely research online. 

We had a fantastic day with 'Time Steps', a Living History company, learning about Victorian school life and the workhouse. 

We all got dressed up and stepped into the Victorian era!

Have a look at our wonderful Victorian displays. Year 7, can you spot your silhouette?

We have been learning about famous Victorians.

We took notes about our chosen famous Victorian and then created fact files using Pic Collage on the iPads.

We had a Victorian Bake off. We made Victoria Sponge cakes and Mrs Read and Mrs Harran judged the cakes.

Year 7 Practical Maths and

Problem-solving Activities

Year 7 took part in their Christmas show 'It's a census, get me out of here!'

Well done to all - a fantastic show!

Year 7 have been enjoying soccer skills training for 8 weeks. The children have learned skills such as dribbling, passing and tackling. We enjoyed all the games and exercises which improved our coordination and control of the ball.

Year 7 have enjoyed creating their own winter landscapes using chalk and charcoal.